Exceptional Bird Watching on the North Olympic Peninsula
The shores of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the adjacent rivers, lakes, forests and the area surrounding Cape Flattery provide habitat for hundreds of species of birds. Murrelets and Murres are prized sightings. Shore birds, ducks and gulls are plentiful. In the fall and spring, thousands of Canadian geese, trumpeter swans, falcons, hawks and Sandhill cranes migrate through this area, and can be easily sighted.
Between January and April, hundreds of bald eagles 'winter over' from British Columbia on the coastline between Clallam Bay and Neah Bay. On a typical day, 50 or more eagles can be seen perched in the trees, especially at low tide, along Highway 112. Depending on the weather in April, hundreds of the migrating raptors will 'pool up' over Cape Flattery, awaiting the right time to fly north.